Springhill Family,
How do you bring people to Christ? There are two keys:
- You have to tell them about Jesus. It begins with intentional conversations.
- Most importantly, the Holy Spirit. Trust in the power of God to use you and your testimony. Allow yourself to be a tool in the hands of the master.
So he got into a boat, crossed over, and came to his own town. Just then some men brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher. Seeing their faith, Jesus told the paralytic, “Have courage, son, your sins are forgiven.” MATTHEW 9:1–2
Father, the Bible tells many stories of unnamed men and women who brought their friends to Jesus. I long to bring ___________ to You as well. Like the paralytic in this story, I know You are capable of doing far more than merely addressing his/her external needs. You know his/her heart, and You are the only One who is able to forgive his/her sins. _____________ may not even sense his/her need for forgiveness at this time, but I understand all people are dead in their sins and are hopeless and helpless apart from the forgiveness You offer. As I strive to bring to ________ You, do what only You are capable of doing and save him/her.
God is up to doing something great and powerful. May we be found faithful to respond to His calling and provision.
Brian Winburn
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