Bringing Others to Jesus

Bringing Others to Jesus

Springhill Family,

How do you bring people to Christ? There are two keys: 

  1. You have to tell them about Jesus. It begins with intentional conversations. 
  2. Most importantly, the Holy Spirit. Trust in the power of God to use you and your testimony. Allow yourself to be a tool in the hands of the master.

So he got into a boat, crossed over, and came to his own town. Just then some men brought to him a paralytic lying on a stretcher. Seeing their faith, Jesus told the paralytic, “Have courage, son, your sins are forgiven.” MATTHEW 9:1–2

Father, the Bible tells many stories of unnamed men and women who brought their friends to Jesus. I long to bring ___________ to You as well. Like the paralytic in this story, I know You are capable of doing far more than merely addressing his/her external needs. You know his/her heart, and You are the only One who is able to forgive his/her sins. _____________ may not even sense his/her need for forgiveness at this time, but I understand all people are dead in their sins and are hopeless and helpless apart from the forgiveness You offer. As I strive to bring to ________ You, do what only You are capable of doing and save him/her.

God is up to doing something great and powerful. May we be found faithful to respond to His calling and provision.

Brian Winburn

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